5 tips to educate a child with a strong character

Educating a child with a strong character can be exhausting if you do not put creativity in it. The more intelligent the child, the more difficult your task will be. Here are five tips to help you avoid tension and make education a pleasure:

1. Never fight to see who is the strongest

To educate with love a child with a strong character implies not to embark on a struggle of wills. You would come out exhausted. Your job is not to show your child who is in control, but to help him improve his character and use it well, while strengthening some basic rules. Easier said than done ? I have some ideas that could help you get there.

2. Write down the basic rules of the house and stick to it

write a clear list. Younger people need fewer rules; make a rule for each year of age. With children of different ages, write enough rules to cover the needs of the elder. Put them in a central place and read them regularly each day. If one of your children does not follow a rule, read it again.

3. Avoid punishments that hurt, better a personal reflection

 with a child with a strong temperament, one is always tempted to impose discipline by force, to show who is the leader. Shouting or spanking are not long-term solutions, creating a struggle of wills that does more harm than good. A child especially needs a harmonious educationfor healthy brain development. This is where you have to be creative. Opt for punishments that involve reflection or allow the child to redeem his inappropriate behavior with a gracious task or gesture. Older people may write a letter of apology. We often ask our children to write about the rules they did not respect, allowing them to think and give them time to calm down. The work of Dr. Joan Luby shows that the positive education of one to two year old babies under stress is associated with an increase in the size of certain areas of the brain.

4. Frame the selfish desires

Whims are selfish. As parents, we need to redirect this great strength to the good. Give your child the opportunity to be responsible even for a few minutes. Let older children get involved in a good cause. They need an outlet. Have them participate in projects that test the limits of their personal strength.

5. Temper the strong character of your child with sweetness and love

with strong temperaments, fatigue and frustration can make us forget softness and tenderness. Without our example, our children can not learn to be tender and kind. Plan for moments of physical contact during the day, a hug, a tender conversation. The early hours of the morning, returning from school or bedtime can be good times.

Investing in your child is the best investment of your life. To give him time to love him and to educate him will bring a lot of joy. But if you still have problems to educate with joy, here is a little more advice. Rest assured, others have done it before you successfully !

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